Transactional key-value store using libpmemobj - DIY

Transactional key-value store using libpmemobj - DIY

Our library often gets compared to NoSQL databases because it stores things on storage in unstructured manner. Which is true, but, when you think about it, the pmemobj library is not technically a database, but can be used to implement one - like the MySQL storage engine example. In this post …

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An introduction to pmemcheck (part 2) - transactions

An introduction to pmemcheck (part 2) - transactions

In my previous blog post I described the key features of the new persistent memory analysis tool we created - pmemcheck. You should now be aware of the main pitfalls of persistent memory programming and of ways pmemcheck informs you about possible misuses of PMEM. We should now dive into a more …

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An introduction to pmemcheck (part 1) - basics

An introduction to pmemcheck (part 1) - basics

As you probably noticed from the previous posts, persistent memory programming isn’t really that easy. There are a couple of things you have to consider - data consistency being the most important one. The contemporary x86_64 architecture supports at most 8-byte atomic stores. You probably …

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An introduction to pmemobj (part 7) - persistent lists

An introduction to pmemobj (part 7) - persistent lists

The pmemobj library provides non-transactional persistent atomic circular doubly-linked lists (or NTPACDLL for short) API with an interface familiar to anyone who have ever included sys/queue.h header file - it’s in fact so similar that I considered not writing this post at all, you can just …

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An introduction to pmemobj (part 5) - atomic dynamic memory allocation

An introduction to pmemobj (part 5) - atomic dynamic memory allocation

In the previous post I talked about using transactions for allocating new objects, which is fine and is the most similar approach to the standard POSIX way. But it does add an overhead of maintaining an undo log of changes. A more optimal memory management can be achieved using the non-transactional …

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