NVM Library Overview

NVM Library Overview

[Edit on 2017-12-11: In the years since this entry was written, this work has evolved into PMDK.] Why are we building an NVM Library? Where does it live? How does it work? This blog entry provides some answers, which refer to this picture showing the overall library architecture: Why? The operating …

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Linux Examples

Linux Examples

[Edit on 2017-12-11: The Linux examples are outdated now, look at PMDK instead.] The basic architecture. for exposing persistent memory gives applications a very raw type of access. Applications can load/store directly to the persistence, but then what. What are the interesting problems facing an …

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Crawl, Walk, Run...

Crawl, Walk, Run...

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Martin Luther King Jr. This project, as well as the support for persistent memory in various operating systems, can be thought of as a crawl, …

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Some very interesting research has been happening in the area of Persistent Memory and more is emerging. While the examples provided here are meant as introductory and simple, some publications cover the topic in much more depth and include complete transaction systems, compiler/language …

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Creating pmem.io

Creating pmem.io

The pmem project in GitHub has been created as an open source project focused on persistent memory programming. Everything on this web site and the associated GitHub repositories is open source under the “three-clause” BSD license. Some educational Linux examples are included, which …

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