Language bindings for pmemkv

Language bindings for pmemkv

pmemkv is a local/embedded key-value datastore optimized for persistent memory. It is written in C and C++, but to satisfy a wider audience it comes with several bindings for high-level languages. Currently: Java (with JNI), Node.js, Python and Ruby. The picture below illustrates architecture and …

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Introduction to libmemkind

Introduction to libmemkind

Introduction Memkind is the library that simplify usage of persistent memory in a volatile mode. There are NVDIMMs technologies, such as Intel Optane DCPMM, that provides persistency, byte-addressability, and also a high capacity when compared with DRAM modules. They can be used as an expansion of …

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Memkind support for KMEM DAX option

Memkind support for KMEM DAX option

Introduction Linux kernel version 5.1 brings in support for the volatile-use of persistent memory as a hotplugged memory region (KMEM DAX). When this feature is enabled, persistent memory is seen as a separate memory-only NUMA node(s). libmemkind API was extended to include new kinds that allow for …

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300 nanoseconds (1 of 2)

300 nanoseconds (1 of 2)

Educating people has always been a challenge for me. I tend to skip over things I wrongly consider obvious, or do large leaps in reasoning when explaining a solution to a problem. And so, when faced with an attempt to explain a complex topic, I tend to ramble on and on, hoping that the audience …

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Vmem is split out of PMDK

Vmem is split out of PMDK

Introduction We have just split libvmem and its companion libvmmalloc out of the PMDK tree. They now live in a separate repository, and will follow their own release cadence. And, as these libraries are considered mature and finished, no new releases are planned once the split has been tested and …

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