C++ persistent containers

C++ persistent containers

PMEM containers Our goal for the libpmemobj C++ bindings is to create a friendly and less error prone API for persistent memory programming. Even with persistent memory pool allocators, convenient interface for creating and managing transactions, auto-snapshotting class templates and smart …

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C++ persistent containers - array

C++ persistent containers - array

[Note: pmem::obj::array<> is no longer experimental. The rest of the information in this blog post is still accurate.] Introduction Until now, our C++ bindings were missing one important component - persistent containers. In 1.5 release we have introduced the first one - pmem::obj::array. This …

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New release of PMDK

New release of PMDK

We’ve been very quiet on this blog as of late, mostly because of the amount of work that we needed to put into our very ambitiously planned 1.5 release. But we’ve made it, and there’s finally time to get back to discussing the technical minutiae of our work. In this post, we will …

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Running FIO with pmem engines

Running FIO with pmem engines

When we, the PMDK team, want to check performance of our library, either to see if there was any regression or if our tweaks did a good job, we run benchmarks. One of them is FIO. It helps us simulate synthetic traffic of reads and writes to a pmem device. In this blog post I will introduce this …

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Using Persistent Memory Devices with the Linux Device Mapper

Using Persistent Memory Devices with the Linux Device Mapper

Introduction X86/X64 systems do not typically interleave Persistent Memory Devices (also referred to as ‘modules’ or ‘DIMMs’) across sockets, so a two-socket system will have two separate interleave sets. To use these interleave sets as a single device requires using a …

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