Benchmarking with different storage engines using pmemkv

Benchmarking with different storage engines using pmemkv

We’re closing out 2017 with two big improvements to pmemkv: support for multiple storage engines, and an improved benchmarking utility based on db_bench. These changes set the stage for some interesting experiments to come next year, as we continue to add new features and tune performance of …

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Announcing the Persistent Memory Development Kit

Announcing the Persistent Memory Development Kit

This is to announce a name change: The NVML project is now known as PMDK, the Persistent Memory Development Kit. Why the name change? The old name, NVML, made it sound like the project produced a single library that applied to Non-Volatile Memory. In reality, the project currently supports ten …

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Progress Report Q3 2017

Progress Report Q3 2017

The last quarter was rather… peaceful. But nevertheless there were a few noteworthy things. FreeBSD & ARM We always asserted that our library is multi-platform and hardware agnostic… as long as your platform is a recent distribution of Linux (or Windows) on x86 hardware :) Two …

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Using Standard Library Containers with Persistent Memory

Using Standard Library Containers with Persistent Memory

Introduction Somewhere along the road, when we were doing the C++ bindings for libpmemobj, we found the need for some kind of containers. We were faced with two viable solutions: write everything from scratch or adapt an existing implementation. The obvious choice was NOT to implement from scratch. …

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Progress Report Q2 2017

Progress Report Q2 2017

It’s summer already (at least in my hemisphere) ! :) And it’s time for the next progress report. Control interface After a very long in the oven, we’ve finally finalized and merged the CTL API which allows for introspection and modification of the internal state of the library. …

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