New release of PMDK

New release of PMDK

If you are following our mailing group, you’ve probably noticed a stream of release announcements for libraries that are a part of PMDK. Here’s a recap of the most important new features and additions. libpmemkv 1.0 The primary goal of PMDK is enabling adoption of Persistent Memory. We …

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Pool conversion tool

Pool conversion tool

Introduction When we published the first PMDK stable release, we committed to maintaining stable on-media layout. This means that all future PMDK changes have to be backward compatible. Unfortunately, we weren’t successful in adhering to the strict requirements which would be needed to …

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New release of PMDK

New release of PMDK

We’ve been very quiet on this blog as of late, mostly because of the amount of work that we needed to put into our very ambitiously planned 1.5 release. But we’ve made it, and there’s finally time to get back to discussing the technical minutiae of our work. In this post, we will …

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Announcing the Persistent Memory Development Kit

Announcing the Persistent Memory Development Kit

This is to announce a name change: The NVML project is now known as PMDK, the Persistent Memory Development Kit. Why the name change? The old name, NVML, made it sound like the project produced a single library that applied to Non-Volatile Memory. In reality, the project currently supports ten …

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PMDK for Windows

PMDK for Windows

Throughout 2016 a team of engineers from Microsoft, Intel, HPE and HPI have been working to port the PMDK project to Windows and we are happy to announce that Technical Preview release is now available! Our main goal in porting the library was to make it as easy as possible for developers to use the …

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