

Java bindings for pmemkv, using Java Native Interface.

pmemkv is a local/embedded key-value datastore optimized for persistent memory.

Current code of pmemkv-java can be accessed on github page.

The API of pmemkv-java binding is documented in the following docs:

  • master - it implements additional API of libpmemkv (and requires min. version of 1.4)
  • v1.2 - it implements additional API of libpmemkv (and requires min. version of 1.4)
  • v1.1 - it is functionally equivalent to libpmemkv 1.0
  • v1.0 - it is functionally equivalent to libpmemkv 1.0

Releases’ support status

Currently all branches/releases are fully supported. Latest releases can be seen on the “releases” tab on the Github page.

Version branch First release date Last patch release Maintenance status
stable-1.2 Jul 02, 2021 N/A Full
stable-1.1 Jun 08, 2021 N/A Full
stable-1.0 Jun 30, 2021 1.0.1 (Mar 12, 2021) Full

Possible statuses:

  1. Full maintenance:
    • All/most of bugs fixed (if possible),
    • Patch releases issued based on a number of fixes and their severity,
    • At least one release at the end of the maintenance period,
    • Full support for at least a year since the initial release.
  2. Limited scope:
    • Only critical bugs (security, data integrity, etc.) will be backported,
    • Patch versions will be released when needed (based on severity of found issues),
    • Branch will remain in “limited maintenance” status based on the original release availability in popular distros,
  3. EOL:
    • No support,
    • No bug fixes,
    • No official releases.

Blog entries

The following blog articles relates to pmemkv-java:

The contents of this web site and the associated GitHub repositories are BSD-licensed open source.